An Introduction to me


(Me in London)

Hello to everyone reading this. My name is Emma Curran. I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks and I am in my second year of college. I am looking forward to this semester because we are on campus for most of it. Last year was difficult in my opinion doing everything online. The first semester was easier though, despite the fact that I tested positive in October for covid, I still knuckled down to the best of my ability. I wish I could have said the same for the second semester but I really could have done better. My time management was poor and I was not prioritizing the right things at all. I am extremely happy I passed everything, however, and I see it as an opportunity to improve. I see it as a chance for me to better myself. 

The best class i took last semester is Studio Photography. This is because we got to learn independently how to take effective and professional images at home. Despite the fact that it wasn't ideal, we still got to develop our skills. My biggest accomplishment last semester was that I got to pass all of my modules, I felt extremely lucky and it made me aware of my capabilities. I was also proud of the work I had done, even though I had struggled as well. My goals for this module are to try something new and improve my skills in game development. I created a couple of games in my PLC in Dunboyne college and I did struggle, but I feel there is a lot of room to improve this semester. My favorite movies are Marvel movies as I find them funny and they switch my mind off. I like a variety amount of music. It's not about the genre for me, it is about how personal the song is to me. The memories it gives and the way the music makes me feel. Overall, most of the songs that mean a lot to me fit into the alternative/indie genre. My career goals involve becoming financially independent and doing something that makes me excited to wake up in the morning. For example, I would like to do some documentary work or photography. My favourite foods of all time.... there is so many, Pasta, Apache, Ben and Jerry's, chocolate. The lot! I don't like peppers though, Cannot stand peppers, especially green ones. My hobbies involve playing guitar, watching youtube videos and cooking.If i had an extra day of fun... i would spend it... having fun. I would be Travelling, going to Amusement parks, taking silly pictures with friends.


(Sherlock and Bella)

So after a Summer of working and some time to reflect and get ready for the second year, I am excited for all of the adventures, projects, and memories ahead.


  1. Hi Emma,

    Just wanted to say a big WELL DONE. It seems you weren't too happy with semester 2 last year but you did it and onwards and upwards. You did it and now its time for better times together in college! Let's try and enjoy every minute and I'm always here if you need me. BTW very cute animals


    1. Thanks so much Kevin. Your comment was lovely. I'm enjoying this year. Are you? Also thanks about my pets.

  2. Hey Emma,

    Studio Photography really challenged us last semester, but we did develop our skills and had to basically improvise. Im glad you passed last year well done!!
    Also, I love marvel movies. Have you watched Shang Chi?
    Your pets are so cute I love that they're both black and white and are matching.
    Anyways, I really enjoyed browsing your blog.


  3. Loved Reading this Emma , the images you took for studio photography were amazing.

  4. GIRLY POP LOOK AT THAT PICTURE OF YOU DAMN GO OFF QUEEN ๐Ÿ‘‘ ๐Ÿ˜ค✋๐Ÿผbest introduction ever me thinks ๐Ÿ‘€HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! omg true bestie being on campus is so fun especially with you gyals. SAAAME why was semester 2 so bad for everyone I know pfff- YES MARVEL MOVIES is endgame your favourite too?? AWW LOOK AT THOSE CUTE FLUFF BABIES they are the cutest omg. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  5. You might wanna update this as you are 21 now.

  6. Hi Emma, Love the introduction, it's great to get to know a bit more about you.
    Sorry that the second semester last year didn't go to plan for you, but well done for getting through it!
    Your photography here is really good, I love the pictures of your pets, they're so cute!
    Really enjoyed reading your blog :)

  7. Hi Emma , very nice blog , last year was very hard for young people like you , you are at the very start and it is important to stay motivated and it is quite hard to do it being locked in the room, but I am sure this year will be different and you will do a lot better , meet new friends , visit new places. There is a whole new life ahead with lots of new journeys, hope to see lots of great work from you :)

  8. Hi Emma
    Nice reading more about you.
    Well done with your Studio Photography class! It was a quite challenge to take professional pictures at home without help. The photograph of your dogs is very artistic, I love the composition- the way one dog is looking at another.
    You know you said you were lucky that you passed your modules? It was not luck, it was your hard work. And if you feel this year you want to do better, I am sure you will!
    Good luck, Emma, see you on campus.

  9. Hi Emma,

    Congrats on doing well in first year! It was defiantly a strange year for all of us. You have the perfect example of if you put your mind to it, you can do it! :) I wish you all the best for this year. This course is brilliant as it has so many different paths to it. So you'll find your future career no problem;)


    Love your animals, they are adorable!

  10. Hi Emma,
    Enjoyed reading your intro. OMG Jessie is the cutest. My all time favourite movies are the Spider-Man. I loved watching every one of them. Cooking isn't really my thing since the one time I decide to cook, I could've burnt the house but luckily nothing serious happened so never trying that again.

    Hope this year is better for you.

  11. Hey Emma hope you are keeping well, I really enjoyed reading through your personal introduction. I have to say, I was in the same boat as you, some semesters went better than others but hey, you can always learn from your mistakes. Also your pets are really cute Im sure Sherlock and bella are the best of friends.

  12. Hey Emma

    Great to see you passed year 1 one despite struggling in semester 2 though based off your work nobody can tell. I love your pet dogs but I would suggest you get rid of the cat because they're just a waste of money. I wish you the best of luck moving forward this year and I can't wait to see what you'll produce throughout not only this semester or year but throughout this whole course

  13. Hi Emma, This was a great introduction I admire that you acknowledge some things you may struggle with like your time management and that you want to improve it, That's always a good way to be like being aware of the weaknesses you have and be willing to improve on them and turn them into a strength. Nice intro Emma.

  14. hi emma just here to say i and i like your introduction. your right last yr was a bit stressful and i'm so happy that you pass yr1 because most of your work was very good in the end of second semester . i also like the shots of your pets i can see you really used sinead skills coming in handy. best of luck during this yr2 see you around soon.

  15. Hey Emma, great introductory blog post. Just want to say that it’s great that you did so well in first year despite all the troubles that occurred during that year. I wish you the best of luck during this year of college and that you are able to attain your dream and wake up to a job you love doing. Thrilled I got to meet you in Dunboyne and that we’re both finally in college 

    Also I loved the dog of your photos.

  16. Heyy Emma its me again, I love reading all of your stuff the layout of your blog is aesthetically pleasing it really fits your personality. your pets look really cute hope i can meet them someday.
    Girl Marvel movies are where it is at you cannot go wrong wit RDJ and of course Chris Evans.
    keep it up im sure you will do great things.

  17. Hi Emma, it's Chris. It does seem we have a lot in common, I liked Studio Photography last year, and learned how to use lights and a camera properly, but I struggled with managing my time. I also don't care about music genre, and listen to any song I like the sound of, no matter who the artist is. I really love chocolate too. I bet there isn't a person in the world who loves chocolate more than me, I always have an 850g cadbury's chocolate bar at home. I also love to cook, but I don't usually have time for it. I know you can do anything you put your mind to

  18. Hello Emma,
    sorry for the late reading was busy. but that first paragraph was really relatable. This is my first time in college and no more secondary school I was about to go to Dunboyne but I accepted this offer because it had so many different things to learn about i also liked photography but it was scary at first as I thought i will be bad with camera and not understand the settings maybe i do need to recap a bit on cameras as we have to learn how to shoot types of scenes and make it proper for year 2 video design. anyways got distracted but i really like apache pizza too.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜


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