Now feedback is something that I am working on responding to. Feedback is an essential tool to improve yourself and I have been looking at articles on how to manage feedback and respond to it.
Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it | (
A reason why individuals may be AFRAID of feedback is that they feel they do not respond well to criticism or rejection of their work. Now, this is common. The article above informs that according to psychology, people often focus more on negative feedback and that our brains are wired to. However, Guy Winch does give some tips to overcome that natural instinct. Firstly, to stop beating yourself up. Giving yourself constructive criticism is a sign of growth, but insulting yourself can set you back. It is a sign of anxiety when people do that but training your brain to respond positively to yourself can help. Focus on your self-worth and strengths and connect more to your bonds (family, friends, hobbies, pets, etc) as you don't feel like you are isolated from everyone else or some skills.
Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head (
One article I read is by Sabrina Nawaz. She gives advice on how to tackle the self-critical intrusive thoughts an individual may have. I found that this article succeeded in what it was trying to achieve. Focusing on the positive as well as the negative is a good way to grow. One can estimate that if an individual focuses only on what they did wrong, they can neglect what they did right. SO knowing what was done right is just as important and Nawaz proves this with studies. Taking notes on the positives can enhance this point. And rather than , making excuses as to why the positive actions from you were someone else's responsibility, actually think critically and think... "I need to focus on what I did right, I wasn't lucky, I worked hard for this" and then actually believing it by giving yourself words of encouragement
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