Week 9 Reading and Writing

I chose this image because I feel it is something I need to observe when it comes to how I am progressing at the moment in this module. I am struggling in some areas but realizing how far I have come will put me in the growth mindset to continue with the module. The reading we had to do for growth mindset will always stick with me in a positive way.

For this week's reading, we have to reflect on how we have the work we have been given over the past nine weeks has been for us. I will be discussing how I have found the reading tasks, the Twitter tasks, the feedback tasks, the tasks in writing the blog comments, the project tasks, and the unity tutorials. I will explain where I found my strengths were in doing each task. I will not only discuss why I have this strength but my journey in finding those strengths. I will also discuss my weaknesses and things that I need to improve on and the choices I need to make going forward. 

I will explain how I have been letting things snowball throughout when it comes to the unity tutorials, and how that is affecting my other tasks. I easily surpassed the first Unity tutorial that we were given in week three. I struggled with the second unity tutorial in week four and it took me more than a few weeks to figure out how to fix it. Now that I have fixed it, I realize now that I have to be a lot quicker in catching up because this is also affecting my project tasks as well. I personally believe I need to do the rest of the unity tutorials to get the hang of the project that I am doing. This will come by prioritizing the tutorials and getting back on track. This is something that I look forward to while documenting how I found each tutorial. My next project revolves around a farmyard and after hearing from others, I look forward to discovering what the project entails.

My strengths lie in the reading tasks. I was surprised by how quickly I could learn about the content in the module. I believe that I am a visual learner. Therefore, the videos have helped me understand the content that I am to write about. My favorite reading was either on growth mindset or on flow theory. When I was doing the reading on flow theory, I looked back on my own experience with games and I remembered how much I related to it. I usually get bored of an easy game when playing it for so long. I also struggle to find the motivation to continue a game if it gets too difficult, sadly this can relate to real-life too, which is something I need to conquer. As for the blog comments, Twitter tasks, and feedback comments. I am doing just fine in that area. 

I feel like overall, the reading tasks really interest me every week. It is the unity software and the project development that I find complicated. However, more of that content will be learned in the upcoming weeks.


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