Wikipedia Trail: From MDA to Co-Operative games
This was the Wikipedia Link I began to read about. It was interesting to read about MDA from the perspective of Wikipedia. I also found it interesting how and why MDA has been critisised.
I wanted to read about gameplay and especially the different types of gameplay. I could quickly name some examples of the reasons for gameplay For example...
Socialization: Among Us, Mario Kart, Fall Out
Emotion: Grand Theft Auto
Satisfaction: Fortnite, Call of Duty, Mario
I wanted to learn about video game genres. I realized that some games can have more than one genre (For example, Action Adventure or Fighting and RPG). I also find it interesting how some genres can be up to interpretation.
Cooperative video game - Wikipedia
I felt like this was one of the most interesting type of games. I thought it would only involve multi-player games. I didn't know it would involve RPG's, Sport games, Shooter games and many more. However, it can also involve multi player games.
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