Reading 03 – Research Topic ‘The resurgence of simple games – board games, card games TT RPGS’


Week 3 Reflection

This is challenging for me. I have read a lot of these articles in preparation for the writing assignment and I am still unsure if I fully understand the content of the texts, especially the academic articles. This week’s article by Wu et al was difficult, however, I am trying to utilise speech to text to make sure I do not miss much of the important content. As part of this, I have learned that my attention to detail can suffer as I worry about getting the content wrong. To overcome this, I have decided to get my blog proofread. I have proofread for spelling which is a strength of mine, however, my sentence structure can be unclear sometimes. A second opinion from someone not familiar with this subject is helpful in that they can point out where it would be helpful for me to be clearer. Showing my work to a third party is quite difficult for me, however, I do realise that I am not the best person to determine if I have completed the task properly. I enjoy searching for relevant articles and texts on the topic, however, I am not strong at summarising them. The Grammarly software has also been helpful in sentence structure for me.


Citation: Irving, M. (2020) Touchscreen table packs dozens of digital board games and puzzles [Online]. Available from: [Accessed:  20 March 2022].

Summary: Article on a new way for multiple players to play traditional games that have been redesigned and digitised.

Annotation: The author discusses a new digital board game called The Infinity Game Table. This game converts dozens of traditional board games, such as Monopoly and Scrabble, into a touchscreen table that resembles a big tablet on legs. This is not the first product of its kind, as the author points out, but it is simpler than its competitors, and this "tablet on legs," as he refers to it, has the support of influential companies like Hasbro, which are industry leaders in the gaming industry. In addition to having access to comic book subscription services, it comes with 300 jigsaw puzzles, 500 colouring books, and other fun activities. Although this article reads more like an advertisement for a product, it is helpful in pointing out the possibility that traditional board games will be replaced by digital versions in the near future.

Citation: Bayeck, R. (2020). Board Games And Learning: Why Care In The Digital Age? [Online]. Available at:  [Accessed: 19 March 2022].

Summary: The article "Board games and learning: Why care in the digital age?" explores the mystery surrounding the question of how there has been an increase in the popularity of board games despite the increasing number of digital videogames in today's culture.

                                           Figure 4 Boardgame for learning maths

The author explores the popularity combination of board games and digital games, and the phenomenon of people who like to watch others play board games on YouTube.  The author looks at research that highlights this is because people need to socialize and engage with one another.  Boardgamers are streamed on a variety of platforms, according to the website. Board gamers can communicate and enjoy their passion by visiting and attending gaming conventions like Gen Con. As a result of board games people are better at collaboration, personal interaction, and overall learning and computational thinking which is needed for many jobs today. They also encourage socialisation. This was a useful article because it highlighted the positive effects of board games that can still be utilised from a digital perspective. It also highlights those traditional games are not outdated.

Citation: Wu, C.J., Chen, G.D., Huang, C.W. (2014). Using digital board games for genuine communication in EFL classrooms. Educational Technology Research and Development, 62(2), 209–226. Available at: doi:10.1007/s11423-013-9329-y [Accessed: 19 March 2022].

                                            Figure 5 Language learning boardgame

Summary: Taiwanese students have poor communication skills because they rarely use English in class and do not receive adequate English language practice from their peers. A study was conducted to establish if digital board games increased language learning skills. 


Children in Taiwan have low communication skills because many of them do not get to use English for meaningful communication in the classroom and do not get enough English language practice from their surroundings. This study looks at how 96 Taiwanese students use digital board games to learn a language. The games are set in a digital learning playground that was produced for classroom learning.  The students were given a 50-minute English class in one of three groups: regular instruction, board game language learning, or digital board game language learning. The results showed that the students who used the digital learning playground did better in language communication. This is a very academic article and I am not sure if I have totally understood it. I found the abstract and conclusion very helpful though. This is important for my research because there is a theme emerging of the benefits of board games and learning

Citation: Cornillie. F., Clarebout, G., Desmet, P. (2012). The role of feedback in foreign language learning through digital role-playing games, 34 pp. 49–53 [Online]. Available at: doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.02.011 [Date Accessed: 14 March 2022].

Summary: 'The role of feedback in foreign language learning through digital role-playing games' was the title of an essay written by Cornillie et al. (2012) published in 2012. They argue throughout this document that role-playing games (RPGs) should be used to teach second foreign languages to pupils in a classroom setting.


Routinely moving between action and exploration sections as well as dialogue sections, role-playing games (RPGs) are digital games that place a strong value on story and narrative. They also have complex reward systems. The players take on the role of characters in an interactive and fictitious story that unfolds as they accept tasks (referred to as "quests"), collect clues, interact with computer-animated characters (referred to as "non-player characters" or NPCs), and earn rewards for successfully completing quests and other objectives. According to Cornillie et al. (2012), role-playing games (RPGs) provide a self-sustaining, highly inspirational atmosphere that is ideal for learning a foreign language.

According to Cornillie et al. (2012), RPGs provide a setting in which language can play a crucial role in the learning process since RPGs feature extraordinarily sophisticated feedback and reward mechanisms, making them an ideal learning environment. In other words, students studying a language, they suggest, benefit from the opportunity to immerse themselves in a language-rich environment. To be successful throughout the RPG games, the player will need to do a large amount of reading (and comprehension) on their part. As previously mentioned, Cornillie et al. (2012) explore the benefits of feedback in these games, noting that they allow academics to examine how technology affects the language learning process in ways that were not previously considered in traditional language learning environments. I found this article to be interesting because it presented a different perspective on how a second language may be taught as well as the effectiveness of the RPGS program.



Junior Learning. (2022). Math Board Games [Photograph]. Available from: [Accessed: 13 May 2022].

English 4 Good. (2020). Vocabulary Game [Photograph]. Available from: [Accessed: 13 May 2022].


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