Reading 11 For Research Topic ‘The resurgence of simple games – board games, card games TT RPGS’

                            Don Mills, Southam Business Publications (2022)

Week 11 Reflection:

It has been a busy time and I feel a bit overworked but it's a lesson well learned. I initially misunderstood the assignment and added a ten-page chapter, slight overkill I know! I avoided the task of summarising ten pages into one page for quite a while. It was a huge task. Or so I thought. A conversation with someone who is good at this advised me to use the annotated bibliography and not the original incorrect and uploaded document. I was advised to read the annotations and highlight the points I wanted to include in the chapter. I also needed to note take at the same time. This worked and I went from ten pages to…four! Still not good enough but I just did the same thing with the four pages and eventually got it down. Editing is very important and is definitely something I have to work on. However, the good news is that my one-page Chapter on ‘The resurgence of simple games – board games, card games TT RPGS’ is uploaded. I am not joking when I say I wasn’t sure I would get this done.


Don Mills, Southam Business Publications. (2022). Image from page 165 of "Canadian forest industries 1886-1888" (1888) [Image]. Available at: [Accessed: 16 May 2022]. 


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